Webinar Series

Due to the Covid-19 situation, everyone is working from home and is in self-quarantine. We at TCC, organised a series of webinars with high school students and parents and college students about the basic requirements of the program, how to choose a country, the standardised tests, etc. Webinars with representatives from IE Business School, Ashoka University, O P Jindal Global University to know about the programs , on ground situation due to Corona Virus, Online classes, Fall admissions, Summer School, deferrals, refunds and more.

Not all roads lead to DU !!!

Being the oldest university, the University of Delhi is every student’s dream destination for undergraduate studies. But getting into the university is becoming a challenging task, especially in the past couple of years, due to the unrealistically high cut-off and limited seats.

Sign up form – The Future of Resumes In A Digital Age & Why We Need To Rethink Tradition?

We are entrenched in a digital world, everything is a click away, everything that we want can be found right here in our palms with this phone we hold in our hands. What will be our future in this quick fix world? How will we be assessed fit for a job? Who will make it and who will be left behind? Come join us as we explore with you, the future in a digital world; a world where you’ll need to be more than just your 3 page resume.

Dhaval Mehta (Director, TCC) talks to Sharang Daimade (Associate Director, India & South Asia at IE Business School)

1. Programs at IE Business School

2. On ground situation at IE due to Coronavirus

3. Current students coping up with the virus through online classes

4. Students affected with the virus. How did the school respond ?

5. What about Fall admissions?

6. Summer School, deferrals, refunds

7. Visa issuance

And more.

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